/* Dateiverwaltung - File management in your browser Copyright (C) 2017 Ulrich Hilger, http://uhilger.de This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ package de.uhilger.filecms.data; import java.io.Serializable; /** * A reference to a file consisting of the file's absolute path and additional * information about whether or not the referenced file is a directory, is hidden, etc. * Note that FileRef only references a file, the file itself and its contents are not * modelled by this class. * * @author Ulrich Hilger, http://uhilger.de * @author Bereitgestellt unter den Bedingungen der * GNU Affero * General Public License * * @version 2, 12.01.2008 */ public class FileRef implements Serializable { public static final long serialVersionUID = 42L; private String absolutePath; private Boolean isDirectory; private Boolean isHidden; private Long lastModified; private Long length; private String mimetype; /** * create a new instance of FileRef. Note that the created FileRef is * only a reference to a file, the file itself will not be created. * * @param absolutePath the absolute path that denotes this instance of FileRef * @param isDirectory whether or not this file is a directory * @param isHidden whether or not this file is a hidden file * @param lastModified the date/time this file was last modified measured in milliseconds * since the epoch (00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970) * @param length the length of this file in bytes */ public FileRef(String absolutePath, boolean isDirectory, boolean isHidden, long lastModified, long length) { super(); this.absolutePath = absolutePath; this.isDirectory = isDirectory; this.isHidden = isHidden; this.lastModified = lastModified; this.length = length; } /** * Create a new instance of class FileRef with a given absolute path. * Other characteristics of the file are created with default settings * (i.e. not a directory, not hidden, unknown modification date * and length). Note that the created FileRef is only a reference to a file, the file * itself will not be created. * * @param absolutePath the absolute path that denotes this instance * of FileRef */ public FileRef(String absolutePath) { this(absolutePath, false, false, 0, 0); } /** * Create a new instance of class FileRef with a given absolute path * and an indicator whether or not the new FileRef denotes a directory. * Other characteristics of the file are created with default settings * (i.e. not hidden, unknown modification date and length). Note that the created * FileRef is only a reference to a file, the file itself will not be created. * * @param absolutePath the absolute path that denotes this instance * of FileRef * @param isDirectory true, if the file to create should denote a directory */ public FileRef(String absolutePath, boolean isDirectory) { this(absolutePath, isDirectory, false, 0, 0); } public String getMimetype() { return mimetype; } public void setMimetype(String mimetype) { this.mimetype = mimetype; } /** * get the absolute path that denotes this file * @return the path */ public String getAbsolutePath() { return absolutePath; } /** * Tests whether the file denoted by this abstract pathname is a * directory. * * @return true if this file is a directory, * false otherwise */ public boolean isDirectory() { return isDirectory; } /** * Tests whether the file denoted by this abstract pathname is a * file. * * @return true if this file is a file, * false otherwise */ public boolean isFile() { return !isDirectory; } /** * Tests whether the file denoted by this abstract pathname is a * hidden file. * * @return true if this file is a hidden file, * false otherwise */ public boolean isHidden() { return isHidden; } /** * Returns the time that this file was * last modified. * * @return A long value representing the time the file was * last modified, measured in milliseconds since the epoch * (00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970) */ public long getLastModified() { return lastModified; } /** * Returns the length of this file. * The return value is unspecified if this file denotes a directory. * * @return The length, in bytes, of this file */ public long getLength() { return length; } /** * get the name of this file without path * @param separatorChar the string that is used to separate directories and file names in * path expressions * @return the name of this file without path */ public String getName(String separatorChar) { String path = getAbsolutePath(); String name = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(separatorChar) + 1); if(name == null || name.length() < 1) { name = path; } return name; } /** * get a string representation of this instance of FileRef * @return the string representation of this FileRef object */ public String toString() { return getAbsolutePath(); } /** * Indicates whether some object is equal to this instance of class FileRef. Two * GenericFiles are regarded as equal when their absolute paths are equal case independently. * * @param obj the object to compare with this instance of FileRef * @return true, if obj is equal to this instance of FileRef, false if not */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean isEqual = false; if(obj != null && obj instanceof FileRef) { isEqual = ((FileRef) obj).getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().equals( this.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase()); } return isEqual; } }