From a3d410776dcaf84ab2a0cb22eebb6e75a3251033 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ulrich <not disclosed>
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2017 17:18:59 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Mustache Templates ausgelagert (noch in Arbeit)

 web/ui/ui.js |  593 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 592 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/web/ui/ui.js b/web/ui/ui.js
index 31f3e6d..9f66ee4 100644
--- a/web/ui/ui.js
+++ b/web/ui/ui.js
@@ -1,5 +1,596 @@
+    Dateiverwaltung - File management in your browser
+    Copyright (C) 2017 Ulrich Hilger,
+    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+var cm;
+var pfad = '';
+var modus = 'kacheln';
+var openFileName = '';
 function fm_init() {
+  $('.codeeditor-space').hide();
+  $('.code-editor-container').hide();
+  //$('.ost').attr('flex-basis', 0);
+  $('#newTextFile').on('click', fm_menu_neue_textdatei);
+  $('#newFolder').on('click', fm_get_new_folder);
+  $('#editTextFile').on('click', fm_get_file_content);
+  $('#saveFile').on('click', fm_menu_datei_speichern);
+  $('#saveFileAs').on('click', fm_menu_datei_speichern_unter);
+  $('#closeFile').on('click', fm_menu_datei_schliessen);
+  $('#m-del').on('click', fm_menu_delete);
+  $('#m-test').on('click', fm_menu_test);
+  $('#saveModal').on('', function (e) {
+    $('#modal_ok').attr('onclick','').unbind('click');
+  });
+  $('#logout').click(fm_logout);  
+  fm_get_login();
+  fm_get_list('');
+  fm_init_uploader();
+/* ----- Uploader Anfang ----------*/
+var dateien = new Array();
+function fm_init_uploader() {
+  var dropzone = document.getElementById("dateien");  
+  dropzone.ondragover = dropzone.ondragenter = function(event) {  
+    event.stopPropagation();  
+    event.preventDefault();  
+  };
+  dropzone.ondrop = function(event) {  
+    event.stopPropagation();  
+    event.preventDefault();  
+    var fileList = event.dataTransfer.files;  
+    for (var i=0; i<fileList.length; i++) {  
+      dateien.push(fileList[i]);
+    }
+    sendFile(dateien.pop());
+  };
+function sendFile(datei) {
+  var uri = "../api/upload";
+  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();  
+  var fd = new FormData();  
+"POST", uri, true);  
+  xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {  
+    if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {  
+      fm_get_list(pfad);
+      if(dateien.length > 0) {
+        sendFile(dateien.pop());
+      }
+    }  
+  };  
+  fd.append('dateiauswahlfeld', datei);  
+  xhr.send(fd);          
+/* ----- Uploader Ende --------------- */
+function fm_menu_delete() {
+  $('#confirmOk').click(function() {
+    // hier loeschen
+    fm_del_files();
+  });
+  $('#confirmModalTitle').text("Löschen");
+  $('#confirmModalBody').text("Wirklich löschen?");
\ No newline at end of file
+  /*var fname = $('.datei-gewaehlt').text();
+  if(fname !== undefined) {
+    $('#dateiname').val(fname);
+  } else {
+    $('#dateiname').val('');
+  }*/
+  //$('#dateiname').attr('placeholder', 'Dateiname');
+  $('#confirmModal').modal({
+    keyboard: false,
+    show: true
+  });
+function fm_menu_test() {
+  var w = $('.ost').width();
+  if(w == 0) {
+    $('.ost').width('20%');
+    $('.ost').text('Hallo Welt!');
+  } else {
+    $('.ost').empty();
+    $('.ost').width(0);
+  }
+function fm_ansicht_umschalten() {
+  if($('#ansicht').children(0).hasClass('fa-th-list')) {
+    $('#ansicht').children(0).addClass('fa-th-large');
+    $('#ansicht').children(0).removeClass('fa-th-list');
+    modus = 'liste';
+  } else {
+    $('#ansicht').children(0).addClass('fa-th-list');    
+    $('#ansicht').children(0).removeClass('fa-th-large');
+    modus = 'kacheln';
+  }
+  fm_get_list(pfad);
+function fm_set_modus() {
+  if(modus == 'kacheln') {
+    $('#ansicht').children(0).addClass('fa-th-list');    
+    $('#ansicht').children(0).removeClass('fa-th-large');  
+  } else {
+    $('#ansicht').children(0).addClass('fa-th-large');
+    $('#ansicht').children(0).removeClass('fa-th-list');    
+  }
+function fm_menu_neue_textdatei() {
+  fm_text_edit('Neue Datei');
+function fm_menu_datei_schliessen() {
+  $('.codeeditor-space').hide();
+  $('.code-editor-container').hide();
+  cm.toTextArea();
+  $('#bcnav').show();
+  $('#dateien').show();
+  openFileName = '';
+  fm_get_list(pfad);
+function fm_dateiwahl(ev) {
+  var elem = this;
+  //console.log('dateiwahl nach click, event shift: ' + ev.shiftKey + ", event ctrl: " + ev.ctrlKey);
+  if(modus == 'kacheln') {
+    // Kacheln
+    if($(elem).children(0).hasClass('fa-folder')) {
+      if(/*ev.shiftKey || */ ev.ctrlKey) {
+        $(elem).find('.dateiname').addClass('datei-gewaehlt');
+      } else {
+        var ordner = $(elem).text().trim();
+        if(pfad.length > 0) {
+          pfad = pfad + '/' + ordner;
+        } else {
+          pfad = ordner;
+        }
+        fm_get_list(pfad);
+      }
+    } else if($(elem).children(0).hasClass('fa-file')) {
+      if(/*ev.shiftKey || */ ev.ctrlKey) {
+        // mehrere Dateien sollen gewaehlt werden
+      } else {
+        $('.datei-gewaehlt').removeClass('datei-gewaehlt');        
+      }
+      $(elem).find('.dateiname').addClass('datei-gewaehlt');
+    } else {
+      //console.log('kein folder oder file...');
+    }
+  } else {
+    // Liste
+    if($(elem).find('.datei-elem').children(0).hasClass('fa-file-o')) {
+      // Datei
+      if(/*ev.shiftKey || */ ev.ctrlKey) {
+        // mehrere Dateien sollen gewaehlt werden
+      } else {
+        $('.table-info').removeClass('table-info');
+        $('.datei-gewaehlt').removeClass('datei-gewaehlt');
+      }
+      $(elem).addClass('table-info');
+      $(elem).find('.dateiname').addClass('datei-gewaehlt');
+    } else {
+      // Ordner
+      if(/*ev.shiftKey || */ ev.ctrlKey) {
+        $(elem).children(0).addClass('datei-gewaehlt');
+      } else {
+        var ordner = $(elem).find('.dateiname').text();
+        if(pfad.length > 0) {
+          pfad = pfad + '/' + ordner;
+        } else {
+          pfad = ordner;
+        }
+        fm_get_list(pfad);
+      }
+    }   
+  }
+function fm_bc_click() {
+  var elem = this;
+  var bcPfad = $(elem).attr('rpath');
+  if(bcPfad !== undefined) {
+    pfad = bcPfad;
+    fm_get_list(bcPfad);
+  } else {
+    pfad = '';
+    fm_get_list('');
+  }
+function fm_text_edit(content) {
+  $('#bcnav').hide();
+  $('#dateien').hide();
+  $('.codeeditor-space').show();
+  $('.code-editor-container').show();
+  fm_code_edit(content);  
+/* ----- API Calls ------------- */
+function fm_get_login() {
+  var m = '?';
+  var u = '../pub' + m;
+  fm_get(u, "text", function(resp) {
+    $('#userMenu').text(resp);
+  });  
+function fm_get_new_folder() {
+  $('#modal_ok').click(function() {
+    // hier speichern
+    var m = '?c=de.uhilger.filecms.api.FileMgr&m=newFolder&p=' + pfad + '&p=' + $('#dateiname').val();
+    var u = '../svc' + m;
+    fm_get(u, "json", function(resp) {
+      fm_get_list(pfad);
+    });
+  });
+  $('#saveModalTitle').text('Neuer Ordner');
+  $('#dialogfrage').text("Name?");
+  $('#dateiname').val('');
+  $('#dateiname').attr('placeholder', 'Ordnername');
+  $('#saveModal').modal({
+    keyboard: false,
+    show: true
+  });
+function fm_get_file_content() {
+  var gewaehlte = $('.datei-gewaehlt');
+  //var fname = $(gewaehlte).find('.dateiname').text();
+  var fname = $(gewaehlte[0]).text();
+  openFileName = fname;
+  var m = '?c=de.uhilger.filecms.api.FileMgr&m=getCode&p=' + pfad + '&p=' + fname;
+  var u = '../svc' + m;
+  fm_get(u, "text", function(resp) {
+    fm_text_edit(resp);
+  });
+function fm_del_files() {
+  var gewaehlte = $('.datei-gewaehlt');
+  //console.log('anzahl: ' + gewaehlte.length);
+  var fnames = new Array();
+  var i = 0;
+  while(i < gewaehlte.length) {
+    var str = { "java.lang.String": $(gewaehlte[i]).text()};
+    fnames.push(str);
+    //console.log('loeschen ' + pfad + ' ' + $(gewaehlte[i]).text());
+    //i += 2;
+    i++;
+  }
+  var liste = '{"List":' + JSON.stringify(fnames) + '}';
+  // 'liste' enthaelt:
+  // {"List":[{"java.lang.String":"test3.txt"},{"java.lang.String":"Test1.txt"},{"java.lang.String":"Test2.txt"}]}
+  // und wird auf dem Server zu einer List[ArrayList<String>] bei der jede ArrayList<String> nur ein Element hat 
+  var m = '?c=de.uhilger.filecms.api.FileMgr&m=deleteFiles&p=' + pfad + '&p=' + encodeURIComponent(liste);
+  var u = '../svc' + m;
+  fm_get(u, "text", function(resp) {
+    // console.log('deleteFiles gab folgendes zurueck: ' + resp);
+    fm_get_list(pfad);
+  });
+function fm_render_list(fl) {
+  if(modus == 'kacheln') {
+    // Kachelansicht
+    $.get('tpl-kacheln.txt', function(template) {
+      $('#dateien').empty();
+      $('#dateien').html(Mustache.render(template, fl));
+      $('.figure').click(fm_dateiwahl);
+    });
+    $('.datei-zeile').attr('onclick','').unbind('click');
+  } else {
+    // Listenansicht
+    $.get('tpl-liste.txt', function(template) {
+      $('#dateien').empty();
+      $('#dateien').html(Mustache.render(template, fl));
+      $('.datei-zeile').click(fm_dateiwahl);
+    });
+    $('.figure').attr('onclick','').unbind('click');
+  }
+// http://localhost:8079/file-cms/svc?c=de.uhilger.filecms.api.FileMgr&f=JSONNICE&m=list&p=
+function fm_get_list(relPfad) {
+  $('#ansicht').attr('onclick','').unbind('click');
+  var m = '?c=de.uhilger.filecms.api.FileMgr&m=list&p=' + relPfad;
+  var u = '../svc' + m;
+  fm_get(u, "json", function(resp) {
+    if(resp.List[0].FileRef !== undefined) {
+      var files = new Array();
+      if(resp.List[0].FileRef instanceof Array) {
+        for(var i = 0; i < resp.List[0].FileRef.length; i++) {
+          files.push(new FileRef(resp.List[0].FileRef[i]));
+        }
+      } else {
+        files.push(new FileRef(resp.List[0].FileRef));
+      }
+      var fl = new FileList(files);
+      fm_render_list(fl);
+    } else {
+      $('#dateien').empty();
+    }
+    // Breadcrumb-Ansicht
+    //var template;
+    $('.breadcrumb-item').attr('onclick','').unbind('click');
+    $('#bcnav').empty();
+    var dirList = new Array();
+    var rp = '';
+    //console.log("'" + relPfad + "'");
+    var dirs = relPfad.split('/');
+    //console.log(dirs.length);
+    dirList.push(new BcrFile(rp, 'Home'));
+    if(relPfad.length > 0) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < dirs.length - 1; i++) {
+        if(rp.length > 0 ) {
+          dirList.push(new BcrFile(rp + '/' + dirs[i], dirs[i]));
+          rp = rp + '/' + dirs[i];
+        } else {
+          dirList.push(new BcrFile(dirs[i], dirs[i]));
+          rp = dirs[i];
+        }
+      }
+      var bl = new BcrFiles(dirList);
+      if(dirList.length > 0) {        
+        $.get('tpl-bcr.txt', function(template) {
+          $('#bcnav').html(Mustache.render(template, bl));
+          if(dirs.length > 0) {
+            dirList.push(new BcrFile(rp + '/' + dirs[dirs.length-1], dirs[dirs.length-1]));
+            $.get('tpl-bcr2.txt', function(template) {
+              $('#bcnav').append(Mustache.render(template, dirList[dirList.length-1]));  
+              $('#bcnav').append($('#tpl-bcr3').html());
+              fm_bcr_end();
+            });
+            //template = $('#tpl-bcr2').html();
+            //Mustache.parse(template);   // optional, speeds up future uses
+            //$('#bcnav').append(Mustache.render(template, dirList[dirList.length-1]));        
+          } else {
+            $.get('tpl-bcr2.txt', function(template) {
+              $('#bcnav').append(Mustache.render(template, dirList[0]));
+              $('#bcnav').append($('#tpl-bcr3').html());
+              fm_bcr_end();
+        });
+            //template = $('#tpl-bcr2').html();
+            //Mustache.parse(template);   // optional, speeds up future uses
+            //$('#bcnav').append(Mustache.render(template, dirList[0]));        
+          }
+        });
+      } else {
+        if(dirs.length > 0) {
+          dirList.push(new BcrFile(rp + '/' + dirs[dirs.length-1], dirs[dirs.length-1]));
+          $.get('tpl-bcr2.txt', function(template) {
+            $('#bcnav').append(Mustache.render(template, dirList[dirList.length-1]));  
+            $('#bcnav').append($('#tpl-bcr3').html());
+            fm_bcr_end();
+          });
+          //template = $('#tpl-bcr2').html();
+          //Mustache.parse(template);   // optional, speeds up future uses
+          //$('#bcnav').append(Mustache.render(template, dirList[dirList.length-1]));        
+        } else {
+          $.get('tpl-bcr2.txt', function(template) {
+            $('#bcnav').append(Mustache.render(template, dirList[0]));
+            $('#bcnav').append($('#tpl-bcr3').html());
+            fm_bcr_end();
+          });
+          //template = $('#tpl-bcr2').html();
+          //Mustache.parse(template);   // optional, speeds up future uses
+          //$('#bcnav').append(Mustache.render(template, dirList[0]));        
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      pfad = '';
+      $.get('tpl-bcr2.txt', function(template) {
+        $('#bcnav').append(Mustache.render(template, dirList[0]));
+        $('#bcnav').append($('#tpl-bcr3').html());
+        fm_bcr_end();
+      });
+      //template = $('#tpl-bcr2').html();
+      //Mustache.parse(template);   // optional, speeds up future uses
+      //$('#bcnav').append(Mustache.render(template, dirList[0]));   
+      //$('#bcnav').append($('#tpl-bcr3').html());
+    }
+    //$('.breadcrumb-item').click(fm_bc_click);
+    //$('#ansicht').click(fm_ansicht_umschalten);
+    //fm_set_modus();
+  });  
+function fm_bcr_end() {
+  $('.breadcrumb-item').click(fm_bc_click);
+  $('#ansicht').click(fm_ansicht_umschalten);
+  fm_set_modus();
+function fm_menu_datei_speichern() {
+  //var fname = $('.datei-gewaehlt').text();
+  var fname = openFileName;
+  if(fname !== undefined && fname !== '') {
+    fm_save_file(fname);
+  } else {
+    fm_menu_datei_speichern_unter();
+  }
+function fm_save_file(saveFileName) {
+  var m = '?c=de.uhilger.filecms.api.FileMgr&m=saveTextFile';
+  var u = '../svc' + m;
+  fm_post(u, {p1: pfad, p2: saveFileName, p3: cm.getValue()}, function(resp) {
+    openFileName = saveFileName;
+  });
+function fm_menu_datei_speichern_unter() {
+  $('#modal_ok').click(function() {
+    // hier speichern
+    fm_save_file($('#dateiname').val());
+    /*
+    var m = '?c=de.uhilger.filecms.api.FileMgr&m=saveTextFile';
+    var u = '../svc' + m;
+    fm_post(u, {p1: pfad, p2: $('#dateiname').val(), p3: cm.getValue()}, function(resp) {
+    });
+    */
+  });
+  $('#saveModalTitle').text('Datei speichern');
+  $('#dialogfrage').text("Dateiname?");
+  var fname = $('.datei-gewaehlt').text();
+  if(fname !== undefined) {
+    $('#dateiname').val(fname);
+  } else {
+    $('#dateiname').val('');
+  }
+  $('#dateiname').attr('placeholder', 'Dateiname');
+  $('#saveModal').modal({
+    keyboard: false,
+    show: true
+  });
+function fm_logout() {
+  var m = '?';
+  var u = '../pub' + m;
+  fm_get(u, "text", function(resp) {
+    $('#userMenu').text('nicht angemeldet');
+    window.location.href = '../logout.html';
+  });
+/* ---- codemirror editor handling -------- */
+function fm_code_edit(content) {
+  cm = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("editspace"), {
+    lineNumbers: true,
+    mode: "xml",
+    viewportMargin : Infinity,
+    extraKeys: {
+        "F9": function(cm) {
+        cm.setOption("fullScreen", !cm.getOption("fullScreen"));
+      },
+        "Esc": function(cm) {
+        if (cm.getOption("fullScreen")) cm.setOption("fullScreen", false);
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  cm.setValue(content);
+/* -------- helper functions ----------- */
+function fm_get(u, dtype, scallback) {
+  $.ajax({
+    url: u,
+    type: "GET",
+    dataType: dtype,
+    success: scallback,
+    error: function (xhr, status, errorThrown) {
+      alert("Error: " + errorThrown + " Status: " + status + " URL: " + u);
+    },
+    complete: function (xhr, status) {
+      //console.log( "The request is complete!" );
+    }
+  });
+function fm_post(u, d, scallback) {
+  $.ajax({
+    url: u,
+    data: d,
+    type: "POST",
+    dataType: "json",
+    success: scallback,
+    error: function (xhr, status, errorThrown) {
+      $('#fehler').html("Error: " + errorThrown + " Status: " + status);
+    },
+    complete: function (xhr, status) {
+      //alert( "The request is complete!" );
+    }
+  });
+function fm_serialise(obj) {
+  return '{"' + + '":' + JSON.stringify(obj) + '}';
+/* ----- Objekte ----- */
+function FileList(fl) {
+  this.files = fl;
+function FileRef(obj) {
+  var self = this;
+ = obj;
+  this.typeClass = function() {
+    if(modus == 'kacheln') {
+      if( {
+        return 'fa-folder ordner';
+      } else {
+        return 'fa-file datei';
+      }
+    } else {
+      if( {
+        return 'fa-folder ordner';
+      } else {
+        return 'fa-file-o datei';
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  this.fileName = function() {
+    var namen ='/');
+    if(namen.length > 0) {
+      return namen[namen.length - 1];
+    } else {
+      return;
+    }
+  };
+function BcrFiles(fl) {
+  this.files = fl;
+function BcrFile(rp, n) {
+  this.relPath = rp;
+  this.fName = n;

Gitblit v1.9.3