From 6e70be4f54f3482801d579407846810926cd9997 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ulrich <undisclosed>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2017 06:16:56 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] wbx-lib ausgebaut

 src/java/de/uhilger/filecms/api/ |  424 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 files changed, 346 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/java/de/uhilger/filecms/api/ b/src/java/de/uhilger/filecms/api/
index 6a2be58..3e9151e 100644
--- a/src/java/de/uhilger/filecms/api/
+++ b/src/java/de/uhilger/filecms/api/
@@ -18,17 +18,30 @@
 package de.uhilger.filecms.api;
-import de.uhilger.filecms.web.Initialiser;
-import de.uhilger.filesystem.FileRef;
-import de.uhilger.filesystem.LocalFileSystem;
+import java.awt.Container;
+import java.awt.Image;
+import java.awt.MediaTracker;
+import java.awt.Toolkit;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Enumeration;
+import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.logging.Level;
 import java.util.logging.Logger;
@@ -37,16 +50,26 @@
 public class FileMgr extends Api {
   private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FileMgr.class.getName());
-  public static final String PUB_DIR_PATH = "www/";
-  public static final String HOME_DIR_PATH = "home/";
-  public static final String PUB_DIR_NAME = "Oeffentlich";
-  public static final String HOME_DIR_NAME = "Persoenlicher Ordner";
+  public static final int OP_COPY = 1;
+  public static final int OP_MOVE = 2;
   public String hallo() {
     return "Hallo Welt!";
+  /**
+   * Inhalte der WebBox listen. Hier wird nur der relative Pfad 
+   * ausgehend von www oder home ausgegeben sowie zudem ausgehend 
+   * von $daten und $basis, sofern der Benutzer die Rolle wbxAdmin hat.
+   * 
+   * Andere Inhalte werden nicht ausgegeben.
+   * 
+   * @param relPath
+   * @return 
+   */
   public List<FileRef> list(String relPath) {
+    Bild bild = new Bild();
     List<FileRef> files = new ArrayList();
     if(relPath.length() == 0) {
       FileRef namedPublicFolder = new FileRef(PUB_DIR_NAME, true);
@@ -55,15 +78,30 @@
       files = new ArrayList();
-      files.add(namedPublicFolder);
+      files.add(namedPublicFolder);      
+      if(getRequest().isUserInRole(WBX_ADMIN_ROLE)) {
+        FileRef namedBaseFolder = new FileRef(WBX_BASE, true);
+        FileRef namedDataFolder = new FileRef(WBX_DATA, true);
+        files.add(namedBaseFolder);
+        files.add(namedDataFolder);
+      }      
     } else {
-      LocalFileSystem fs = new LocalFileSystem();
       String path = getTargetDir(relPath).getAbsolutePath();
-      logger.fine(path);
-      FileRef[] fileRefs = fs.list(new FileRef(getTargetDir(relPath).getAbsolutePath(), true));
-      for(int i = 0; i < fileRefs.length; i++) {
-        files.add(fileRefs[i]);
-        logger.finer("added " + fileRefs[i].getAbsolutePath());
+      logger.fine("listing path: " + path);
+      File dir = new File(path);
+      if(dir.exists()) {
+        File[] fileArray = dir.listFiles();
+        for(int i = 0; i < fileArray.length; i++) {
+          logger.fine(fileArray[i].toURI().toString());
+          String fname = fileArray[i].toURI().toString().replace("file:/", "");
+          if(fileArray[i].isDirectory()) {
+            fname = fname.substring(0, fname.length() - 1);
+          }
+          logger.fine(fname);
+          FileRef ref = new FileRef(fname, fileArray[i].isDirectory());
+          ref.setMimetype(bild.getMimeType(fileArray[i]));
+          files.add(ref);
+        }
     return files;
@@ -85,81 +123,311 @@
     return new FileRef(targetDir.getAbsolutePath(), true);
-  private File getTargetDir(String relPath) {
-    logger.finer(relPath);
-    String targetPath = null;
-    if(relPath.startsWith(PUB_DIR_NAME)) {
-      targetPath = PUB_DIR_PATH + getUserName() + "/" + relPath.substring(PUB_DIR_NAME.length());
-    } else if(relPath.startsWith(HOME_DIR_NAME)) {
-      targetPath = HOME_DIR_PATH + getUserName() + "/" + relPath.substring(HOME_DIR_NAME.length());
-    } else {
-      // kann eigentlich nicht sein..
-    }
-    logger.finer(targetPath);
-    File targetDir = new File(getBase().getAbsolutePath(), targetPath);
-    return targetDir;
-  }
-  private FileRef getBase() {
-    FileRef base = null;
-    Object o = getServletContext().getAttribute(Initialiser.FILE_BASE);
-    if(o instanceof FileRef) {
-      base = (FileRef) o;
-    }
-    return base;
-  }
-  private String getUserName() {
-    String userName = null;
+  public String getCode(String relPath, String fileName) {
+    String code = null;
     Object p = getRequest().getUserPrincipal();
     if(p instanceof Principal) {
-      userName = ((Principal) p).getName();
-    }
-    return userName;
+      Reader reader = null;
+      try {
+        File targetFile = new File(getTargetDir(relPath), fileName);
+        //reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(targetFile), "UTF8");
+        reader = new FileReader(targetFile);
+        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+        char[] readBuffer = new char[1024];
+        int charsRead =;
+        while(charsRead > -1) {
+          buf.append(readBuffer, 0, charsRead);
+          charsRead =;
+        }
+        code = buf.toString();
+      } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
+        Logger.getLogger(FileMgr.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+      } catch (IOException ex) {
+        Logger.getLogger(FileMgr.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+      } finally {
+        try {
+          reader.close();
+        } catch (IOException ex) {
+          Logger.getLogger(FileMgr.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+        }
+      }
+    }    
+    return code;
-  public FileRef saveTextFile(String relPath, String fileName, String contents) {
-    FileRef savedFile = null;
+  public String renameFile(String relPath, String fname, String newName) {
+    File targetDir = getTargetDir(relPath);
+    File file = new File(targetDir, fname);
+    file.renameTo(new File(targetDir, newName));
+    return fname + " umbenannt zu " + newName;
+  }
+  public String deleteFiles(String relPath, List fileNames) {
+    String result = null;
     try {
-      FileRef datenRef = getBase();
-      File daten = new File(datenRef.getAbsolutePath());
-      Object p = getRequest().getUserPrincipal();
-      if(p instanceof Principal) {
-        File targetFile = new File(getTargetDir(relPath), fileName);
-        if(targetFile.exists()) {
-          /*
-            muss delete() sein?
-            pruefen: ueberschreibt der FileWriter den alteen Inhalt oder 
-            entsteht eine unerwuenschte Mischung aus altem und neuem 
-            Inhalt?
-          */
-          targetFile.delete();
-        } else {
-          targetFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
+      logger.fine(fileNames.toString());
+      File targetDir = getTargetDir(relPath);
+      for(int i=0; i < fileNames.size(); i++) {
+        Object o = fileNames.get(i);
+        if(o instanceof ArrayList) {
+          ArrayList al = (ArrayList) o;
+          logger.fine(al.get(0).toString());
+          File targetFile = new File(targetDir, al.get(0).toString());
+          logger.fine(targetFile.getAbsolutePath());
+          if(targetFile.isDirectory()) {
+            FileUtils.deleteDirectory(targetFile);
+          } else {
+            targetFile.delete();
+          }
-        targetFile.createNewFile();
-        FileWriter w = new FileWriter(targetFile);
-        w.write(contents);
-        w.flush();
-        w.close();
-        savedFile = new FileRef(
-                targetFile.getAbsolutePath(), 
-                targetFile.isDirectory(), 
-                targetFile.isHidden(), 
-                targetFile.lastModified(), 
-                targetFile.length());
+      }
+      result = "deleted";
+    } catch (Throwable ex) {
+      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  public String copyFiles(String fromPath, String toPath, List fileNames) {
+    return copyOrMoveFiles(fromPath, toPath, fileNames, OP_COPY);
+  }
+  public String moveFiles(String fromPath, String toPath, List fileNames) {
+    return copyOrMoveFiles(fromPath, toPath, fileNames, OP_MOVE);
+  }
+  private String copyOrMoveFiles(String fromPath, String toPath, List fileNames, int operation) {
+    String result = null;
+    try {
+      File srcDir = getTargetDir(fromPath);
+      File targetDir = getTargetDir(toPath);
+      Iterator i = fileNames.iterator();
+      while(i.hasNext()) {
+        Object o =;
+        if (o instanceof ArrayList) {
+          ArrayList al = (ArrayList) o;
+          File srcFile = new File(srcDir, al.get(0).toString());
+          if(srcFile.isDirectory()) {
+            if(operation == OP_MOVE) {
+              FileUtils.moveDirectoryToDirectory(srcFile, targetDir, false);
+            } else {
+              FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory(srcFile, targetDir);
+            }
+          } else {
+            if(operation == OP_MOVE) {
+              FileUtils.moveFileToDirectory(srcFile, targetDir, false);
+            } else {
+              FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(srcFile, targetDir);              
+            }
+          }
+        }
     } catch (IOException ex) {
-      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  public FileRef saveTextFileAs(String relPath, String fileName, String contents) {
+    FileRef savedFile = null;
+    logger.fine(relPath + " " + fileName);
+    //FileRef datenRef = getBase();
+    Object p = getRequest().getUserPrincipal();
+    if(p instanceof Principal) {
+      File targetFile = new File(getTargetDir(relPath), fileName);
+      if(targetFile.exists()) {
+        targetFile = getNewFileName(targetFile);
+      } else {
+        targetFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
+      }
+      saveToFile(targetFile, contents);
     return savedFile;
-  private File getWebappsDir() {
-    File cfile = new File(this.getClass().getResource(
-            this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".class").getFile());
-    String path = cfile.getAbsolutePath();
-    return new File(path.substring(0, path.indexOf(getRequest().getContextPath())));
+  private File getNewFileName(File file) {
+    File dir = file.getParentFile();
+    String targetName = file.getName();
+    logger.fine("targetName: " + targetName);
+    String ext = "";
+    int dotpos = targetName.indexOf(".");
+    if(dotpos > -1) {
+      ext = targetName.substring(dotpos);
+      targetName = targetName.substring(0, dotpos);
+    }
+    logger.fine("targetName: " + targetName + ", ext: " + ext);
+    int i = 1;
+    while(file.exists()) {
+      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+      buf.append(targetName);
+      buf.append("-");
+      buf.append(i);
+      if(ext.length() > 0) {
+        buf.append(ext);
+      }
+      file = new File(dir, buf.toString());
+      i++;
+    }
+    logger.fine("new file: " + file.getName());
+    return file;
+  }  
+  private FileRef saveToFile(File targetFile, String contents) {
+    FileRef savedFile = null;
+    try {
+      targetFile.createNewFile();
+      FileWriter w = new FileWriter(targetFile);
+      //w.write(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(contents));
+      w.write(contents);
+      w.flush();
+      w.close();
+      savedFile = new FileRef(
+              targetFile.getAbsolutePath(),
+              targetFile.isDirectory(),
+              targetFile.isHidden(),
+              targetFile.lastModified(),
+              targetFile.length());
+    } catch (IOException ex) {
+      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);
+    }
+    return savedFile;
+  public FileRef saveTextFile(String relPath, String fileName, String contents) {
+    FileRef savedFile = null;
+    logger.fine(relPath + " " + fileName);
+    //FileRef datenRef = getBase();
+    Object p = getRequest().getUserPrincipal();
+    if(p instanceof Principal) {
+      File targetFile = new File(getTargetDir(relPath), fileName);
+      if(targetFile.exists()) {
+        /*
+          muss delete() sein?
+          pruefen: ueberschreibt der FileWriter den alteen Inhalt oder 
+          entsteht eine unerwuenschte Mischung aus altem und neuem 
+          Inhalt?
+        */
+        targetFile.delete();
+      } else {
+        targetFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
+      }
+      saveToFile(targetFile, contents);
+    }
+    return savedFile;
+  }
+  public String bildVerkleinern(String relPath, String bildName) {
+    File dir = getTargetDir(relPath);
+    File original = new File(dir, bildName);
+    Bild bild = new Bild();
+    //for (int i = 0; i < Bild.GR.length; i++) {
+      //int gr = bild.getVariantenGroesse(i);
+      String ext = "";
+      String nurname = bildName;
+      int dotpos = bildName.indexOf(".");
+      if (dotpos > -1) {
+        ext = bildName.substring(dotpos);
+        nurname = bildName.substring(0, dotpos);
+      }
+      Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(original.getAbsolutePath());
+      MediaTracker mediaTracker = new MediaTracker(new Container());
+      mediaTracker.addImage(image, 0);
+      try {
+        mediaTracker.waitForID(0);
+        if(!mediaTracker.isErrorAny()) {
+          for(int i = 0; i < Bild.GR.length; i++) {
+            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+            buf.append(nurname);
+            buf.append(bild.getVariantenName(i));
+            buf.append(ext);
+            File newImgFile = new File(dir, buf.toString());
+            if(!newImgFile.exists()) {
+              logger.fine(original.getAbsolutePath() + " " + newImgFile.getAbsolutePath());
+              bild.writeImageFile(image, bild.getVariantenGroesse(i), bild.getMimeType(original), newImgFile.getAbsolutePath());
+              //bild.writeImageFile(image, photo.getVariantenGroesse(i), photo.getMimetype(), photo.getAbsolutePath(basisPfad), photo.getVariantenName(basisPfad, i));
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      } catch(IOException | InterruptedException ex) {
+        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);
+      }
+    return "ok";
+  }
+  public String extractZipfile(String relPath, String filename) {
+    String result;
+    try {
+      File targetDir = getTargetDir(relPath);
+      File archive = new File(targetDir, filename);
+      if(extract(archive)) {
+        result = "ok";
+      } else {
+        result = "error while extracting";
+      }
+    } catch(Exception ex) {
+      result = ex.getLocalizedMessage();
+      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  /**
+	 * extract a given ZIP archive to the folder respective archive resides in
+	 * @param archive  the archive to extract
+	 * @throws Exception
+	 */
+	private boolean extract(File archive) throws Exception {
+		ZipFile zipfile = new ZipFile(archive);
+		Enumeration en = zipfile.entries();
+		while(en.hasMoreElements()) {
+			ZipEntry zipentry = (ZipEntry) en.nextElement();
+			unzip(zipfile, zipentry, archive.getParent());
+		}
+		zipfile.close();
+		return true;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * unzip a given entry of a given zip file to a given location
+	 * @param zipfile  the zip file to read an entry from
+	 * @param zipentry  the zip entry to read
+	 * @param destPath  the path to the destination location for the extracted content
+	 * @throws IOException
+	 */
+	private void unzip(ZipFile zipfile, ZipEntry zipentry, String destPath) throws IOException {
+		byte buf[] = new byte[1024];
+		InputStream is = zipfile.getInputStream(zipentry);
+		String outFileName = destPath + File.separator + zipentry.getName();
+		File file = new File(outFileName);
+		if(!zipentry.isDirectory()) {
+			file.getParentFile().mkdirs();
+			if(!file.exists())
+				file.createNewFile();
+			FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
+			int i =, 0, 1024);
+			while(i > -1) {
+				fos.write(buf, 0, i);
+				i =, 0, 1024);
+			}
+			fos.close();
+			is.close();
+		} else {
+			file.mkdirs();
+		}
+	}
+  /* ---- Hilfsfunktionen ---- */
\ No newline at end of file

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