WebBox Klassenbibliothek
2017-12-28 94a2d9eb867cb7b74c41e8eff9157c518e18408f
2017-12-28 ulrich
Erste Version des MarkdownServlets fertig zum Test
blob@ 94a2d9 commitdiff | diff to current
2017-12-27 ulrich
Fortsetzung am MarkdownServlet
blob@ 5bfcdd commitdiff | diff to current
2017-03-23 ulrich
viewport metatag hinzugefuegt
blob@ a123ba commitdiff | diff to current
2017-03-23 ulrich
viewport metatag hinzugefuegt
blob@ 8f9dc7 commitdiff | diff to current
2017-03-17 ulrich
Lightbox in ViewServlet eingebaut
blob@ 066b66 commitdiff | diff to current
2017-03-10 ulrich
TNServlet (in Arbeit)
blob@ 7bcebf commitdiff | diff to current
2017-03-03 ulrich
view um stile erweitert
blob@ 7d6a51 commitdiff | diff to current
2017-03-03 ulrich
view verbessert
blob@ 2a7560 commitdiff | diff to current
2017-03-03 Ulrich
ViewServlet gebaut
blob@ 22f5de commitdiff | diff to current
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