2016-12-27 95f4150c6074126f2639028a07a629e46300f3d7
2016-12-24 ulrich
Rollen in Arbeit
blob@ 87e382 commitdiff | diff to current
2016-12-20 ulrich
Nutzer loeschen und zusaetzliche Dynamik auf dem UI eingebaut
blob@ 72c5c3 commitdiff | diff to current
2016-12-17 ulrich
getUserNameList hinzugefuegt
blob@ 725d10 commitdiff | diff to current
2016-11-27 ulrich
sql.properties berichtigt
blob@ 8b423e commitdiff | diff to current
2016-11-27 ulrich
dbInit hinzugefuegt
blob@ 314fea commitdiff | diff to current
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