Class Streams

  • public final class Streams
    extends Object
    Der Lowlevel MultipartParser aus dem Projekt Apache Commons Fileupload ohne Abhaengigkeiten zum Rest von Commons Fileupload und Commons IO. Utility class for working with streams.
    • Method Detail

      • copy

        public static long copy​(InputStream inputStream,
                                OutputStream outputStream,
                                boolean closeOutputStream)
                         throws IOException
        Copies the contents of the given InputStream to the given OutputStream. Shortcut for
           copy(pInputStream, pOutputStream, new byte[8192]);
        inputStream - The input stream, which is being read. It is guaranteed, that InputStream.close() is called on the stream.
        outputStream - The output stream, to which data should be written. May be null, in which case the input streams contents are simply discarded.
        closeOutputStream - True guarantees, that OutputStream.close() is called on the stream. False indicates, that only OutputStream.flush() should be called finally.
        Number of bytes, which have been copied.
        IOException - An I/O error occurred.
      • copy

        public static long copy​(InputStream inputStream,
                                OutputStream outputStream,
                                boolean closeOutputStream,
                                byte[] buffer)
                         throws IOException
        Copies the contents of the given InputStream to the given OutputStream.
        inputStream - The input stream, which is being read. It is guaranteed, that InputStream.close() is called on the stream.
        outputStream - The output stream, to which data should be written. May be null, in which case the input streams contents are simply discarded.
        closeOutputStream - True guarantees, that OutputStream.close() is called on the stream. False indicates, that only OutputStream.flush() should be called finally.
        buffer - Temporary buffer, which is to be used for copying data.
        Number of bytes, which have been copied.
        IOException - An I/O error occurred.
      • closeAlmostQuietly

        public static void closeAlmostQuietly​(Closeable closeable)
      • asString

        public static String asString​(InputStream inputStream)
                               throws IOException
        This convenience method allows to read a org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemStream's content into a string. The platform's default character encoding is used for converting bytes into characters.
        inputStream - The input stream to read.
        The streams contents, as a string.
        IOException - An I/O error occurred.
        See Also:
        asString(InputStream, String)
      • asString

        public static String asString​(InputStream inputStream,
                                      String encoding)
                               throws IOException
        This convenience method allows to read a org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemStream's content into a string, using the given character encoding.
        inputStream - The input stream to read.
        encoding - The character encoding, typically "UTF-8".
        The streams contents, as a string.
        IOException - An I/O error occurred.
        See Also:
      • checkFileName

        public static String checkFileName​(String fileName)
                                    throws Exception
        Checks, whether the given file name is valid in the sense, that it doesn't contain any NUL characters. If the file name is valid, it will be returned without any modifications. Otherwise, an InvalidFileNameException is raised.
        fileName - The file name to check
        Unmodified file name, if valid.
        Exception - The file name was found to be invalid.