Persoenliche Mediazentrale
2021-05-01 3a1b3bd6515a0ef2beb35a11a44c061a389d4a43
2021-05-01 ulrich
Geringfuegige Anpassung der Doku
blob@ 3a1b3b commitdiff | diff to current
2021-05-01 ulrich
Geringfuegige Anpassung der Doku
blob@ b5bf42 commitdiff | diff to current
2021-05-01 ulrich
Geringfuegige Anpassung der Doku
blob@ 2f1216 commitdiff | diff to current
2021-04-30 ulrich
ID3-Tag-Verarbeitung verbessert
blob@ ea73fa commitdiff | diff to current
2021-04-26 ulrich
Readme angepasst
blob@ 86cd42 commitdiff | diff to current
2021-04-26 ulrich
Readme beigefuegt, umgestellt auf ID3TagLib
blob@ a48ca3 commitdiff | diff to current
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